Tuesday, June 30, 2009



Glycomics is destined to change the way doctors, scientists and chemists think of health; along with the techniques and medicines used to treat sickness and disease in the future. Glycomics is a very new specialized-science studying sugar molecules found on the surface of cells, since prior to the advent of the electron microscope, much of this latest research wasn't available nor possible. 

Minerals and Vitamins
Minerals and Vitamins


Glycobiology research identified numerous sugars, collectively forming molecules or carbohydrate chains of different combinations, growing on the surface of cells which is believed to be essential for inter cellular and intracellular communication. The resultant opinions are that without their function of glycocilation, there would be no life, as these sugars interact with DNA at the cellular level.


These sugars are not the edible sweet kind that we find in cakes and sweets but are instead bitter or tasteless chemically composed carbohydrates, capable of forming millions (or perhaps billions) of combinations much like the billions of combinations of DNA. Because these sugars are another set of building blocks with which molecules of untold complexity and arrangements is forecast, it is flaunted as The Code of Life.


Glyconutrients is one of the outcomes of the study of glycomics and hailed to be the start of a new frontier of medicine. Glyconutrients is a food rather than a medication and consumption thereof promotes overall health and the enhanced growth of these sugar carbohydrates on the cells. Yes, you may ask, Is this a cure for cancer on the horizon?


Probably not; but as the Ancient Greek physician Hipcrates said some 400 years BC; "Let Medicine be your food and let food be your medicine." Modern day physicians, food technologists, nutritionists, food scientists, dietecians etc. all tend to agree that he hit the nail right on its head.


It has become apparent through research that there are various enzymes the human body needs to function properly since it is incapable of producing some chemicals it required to do so, thus their are the chemicals found in oils of both plant and animal  that are important to be consumed to ensure optimum health. 


Vitamins and minerals are found in most foods in varying quantities and qualities among them being the vitamin A,  B, C,  D & E, Calcium, Zinc, Selenium, Chloride, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chromium and a several others, key components of health. Vitamin A, D & E being oil soluble vitamins that are readily stored in body fats whereas Vitamins B &C are water soluble vitamins and not stored in the body hence needs daily replenishing and in greater abundance than the stored variety of vitamins.


Minerals, some of which are mentioned above allows the body to absorb Vitamins because in the absence these needed micronutrients no organism can survive. Mineral Deficiencies has been link as the root cause of reduced longevity in humans and animals.

We will further expound of  these in successive blog pages!

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